In the time since we stopped writing and recording frequently music has changed (of course), as have the band members themselves. We live in a new era for rock music where it is usual for the stars (and former stars) to become the older generation. We are at the other end of the spectrum from “Hope I die before I get old” but how should this be relayed in what was previously an art form concerned with youthful rebellion ? What kind of future sounds will be made by a generation of 70 year olds who love AC/DC ?
The songs on this album are an attempt to look into this. Life’s changes, including the increasingly frequent brushes with death, are reflected on. Musically though I’m not ready for easy listening yet. This seems to me a golden age for music: inventive, original, more comprehensively powerful and varied sonically than ever before. As ever I’d like what Jesus Jones do to touch on some of those more thrilling and intriguing contemporary sounds.
Another force on the songwriting is knowing that when we go out and play these days we’re going to be in smaller clubs. It means anything we play live has got to be immediate and visceral, and in that way it’s very like the writing approach of the first two Jesus Jones albums.
All told, I’m really excited about this album, like I’m excited about this rejuvenating phase in our career. I think it is an album that’s creatively interesting, one that sounds both like Jesus Jones and unlike Jesus Jones in the best ways, and above all it rocks!
So, this is a big one. We are TOURING WITH EMF! They’ve been our mates for over thirty years – but we’ve never shared a stage
Read MoreSo – let’s try this again, shall we? We’re back out to the US & Canada (Toronto) in March and April of this year – we literally can’t wait!
Read MoreThis is really, really cool – we’re heading to the high seas, for the first-ever ’90’s cruise!
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