October 10, 2015
It’s been rather a long time since the last update, hasn’t it? Well, fear not – here we are again, with LOTS of news for you.
First up – the big one – we’re heading out on the road again! It’s been a while since the last UK tour, with only a wonderful trip to Australia and New Zealand in between, so it’s only right that we got back to business over here in the UK.
You can see us live, at the following venues:
Thursday 12th November – London, the Garage
Friday 13th November – Manchester Academy 3
Monday 16th November – Glasgow King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut
Thursday 19th November – Brighton, the haunt (with Collapsed Lung)
Friday 20th November – Southampton The Brook
Saturday 21st November – Leicester Soundhouse
Sunday 22nd November – Bristol Fleece.
Tickets for all of the shows are on sale NOW, and you can get them from here:
And here:
As ever, at this point, there will be some of you saying, “ah, that’s great but how come they’re not playing near me?” Well, we tried with this tour to go to different places, not just re-visit cities we’d played before. Also, booking a tour means that you have to try and fit in with everyone’s schedules, and work around everyone’s lives – trust us, it’s a nightmare. We’ve already started to plot for next year, and we’re looking at getting back to places we’ve not been to for ages, and really should be going back to (Ireland, for a particularly good example) and when we have any more news, we’ll let you know.
We’ll have some new merch for sale at the shows, as well as stocks of some of the older tees, for those who missed them last time around. We’re also going to stock up on copies of the CD reissues, and live DVD’s.
The tour is also going to be interesting for a couple more reasons. First, we’re going to rejig the set. It’ll include some tracks we’ve not played for a while, and at least one we’ve never played. Then, we’re going to playing new material too! Mike’s been working on lots of new tracks, and at least one will get an airing at the shows – meaning it will be the first time we’ve performed new material in over a decade! Will the new material see the light of day? We really hope so. Mike has several new tunes on the go – plus, he’s also been reworking old material. An unused demo for “No More Roads” has suddenly morphed into an absolute monster of a tune – a little like the rework of “Stripped”, slow, moody and menacing. Our goal for 2016 – let’s get some new stuff out there again. That would be cool, wouldn’t it?
Unfortunately – this time around, we won’t be getting the chance to rock Sunderland to its very foundations, as the show has had to be cancelled. Playing live isn’t the golden ticket a lot of people think it is – we barely break even when we do it – and sometimes the numbers and figures just don’t stack up. This time, they didn’t. Our apologies to all of you who were hoping to see us in the North East – we’ll do our best to get back there very soon.
And one last thing about the tour – the gang of five will still be up on stage – but we’ll have to do these shows without Al. It’s gutting for us – but the logistics, expense and trouble of getting him over just wouldn’t work, this time around. Our wonderful guitar tech Gary (ex of the Beekeepers) is going to step up to the plate, and strap on the bass. We’re such a family now, that attempting to do anything without any of us there always feels a bit odd – but having Gary there, a member of the Jones crew, is really reassuring. We hope you’re not too upset by the change – we know Gary will be a worthy replacement, and it’s only by doing this that we get the chance to get out on the road, and play live. The change isn’t permanent – last email from Al said he was gutted too and that he “couldn’t wait to get back to being in the band” He’ll get that chance, very soon.
To wrap up, hopefully you saw the sneak preview of the JJ cycling jerseys on our facebook page recently. We’re going to get these up on our shop, for pre-oreder, very soon. We were knocked out by the interest in these, cheers!
That’s all for now – we’ll hopefully see as many of you as possible at the shows in November. Come and find us, and say hello. You lot are what keeps us all going, and we love you for it.
Iain (and Mike, Alan, Jez & Gen)
So, this is a big one. We are TOURING WITH EMF! They’ve been our mates for over thirty years – but we’ve never shared a stage
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